a popular spicy chicken: children's clothing, in the end women

Hits:Updated:2015-07-30 10:07:47【Print】

If you use one of the words to describe today's apparel industry, the "bottleneck" of the word definitely more appropriate. Started in OEM production, the rise in the release of the demographic dividend in the apparel industry has fame, but weak in the market, consumer demand migration had bogged down.

Face of rapidly changing, complex new market environment, ten years to Kao Zoumaquandi Kuaisukuozhang garment enterprises to win the market, before the tide of the times Rengzai or indecisive, or have been Jiang Zhixiang Qianjin direction of a more potent segments - Kids, in the end women.
Kids: high profits "gluttonous feast"

Compared to adult clothing, children's higher profits, faster market growth. Industry sources pointed out that the children's clothing industry can have a 50% average gross margin, gross profit margin of some international clothing brands up to 200% or even 300%. In addition, the National Bureau of Statistics released data show that children's clothing industry output annual growth rate of 25% -30%, much higher than adult clothing industry: in 2014 the market size of over 140 billion yuan children's clothing sales in the first quarter of this year reached 40 billion Yuan, the year 2015 is expected to exceed 170 billion yuan.

Strong market demand-driven and under the temptation of huge profits, such as domestic Semir Lancy, South commoner, red dragonfly, bird of peace, a growing number of clothing brands will spread its tentacles into the field of children's clothing, and have tasted the sweetness. In Semir example, in 2014 reported a revenue growth Semir children become active force, operating income of 3.167 billion yuan, an increase of 24.91%.